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“To grow a leading medical business tightly with Social Sensitivity:
in our land, we feel the historical obligation of being part of the Human Story. A successful story..”



was founded in 1989 in Patras, Greece. Along the way, BBD has established itself among leaders in domestic distribution of medical disposables and devices throughout the entire territory’s institutions and all-kind-of facilities.

BBD achieved to set up a product portfolio configuring one of the broadest ranges of medical consumables, expanded to PPE, surgical disposable and sterilization bio-products.

Based on the exceptional growth and the penetration in multidisciplinary surgical fields, BBD significantly invests towards the company vision to protagonize in the business sector of biosurgery, mostly expressed by advanced applications of cell technology, electrical surgery and tissue regeneration.



In the last 5 years, BBD has integrated a team of professionals who brought in a high know-how and expertise of 10-20 years, matched to a blend of academic backgrounds, intrinsically mixed with the common denominator of experience with niche products and (with) thousands of hours of attendance in operational rooms.

Our ambition reflects our well-established and strong position as a main stakeholder in the domestic medical business, projecting to further expand the network and enhance export activities.


To reach the next level in our business success-story, while protagonizing in the optimization of medical cares to patients upon the most advanced technologies, technics and materials; we are structuring a product portfolio of excellence.


Being already a leading company in several domestic medical business sectors, BBD aspires to develop supremacy also in the bio-surgical domestic market and to become a recognizable distribution brand in South-Eastern Europe region.


BBD S.A. is certified according to EN ISO 9001:2015 & EN ISO 13485:2016 standards, as well as the Greek Ministry of Health directive DY8d/1384/2004

TUV Austria Hellas ISO 9001 logo   TUV Austria Hellas ISO 13485 logo   dqs certification logo
Copyright © 2021 - 2024 BBD S.A. - MEDICAL SUPPLIES